Contact 646-342-6036 to learn more about in-home private sessions.



Prenatal Yoga

Whether you are new to yoga or have been practicing for years, a pre-natal yoga practice can help your pregnancy, labor, and delivery to be a truly wonderful experience. Janice offers traditional vinyasa based yoga practice that accommodates a growing belly and focuses on:

-Calming the mind from stress and anxiety that occurs with expectant moms.
- Alleviating pain that comes from pregnancy and accommodating a growing belly including tight/neck shoulders, back/hip/leg pain, swollen feet/ankles.
-Learning about core/pelvic floor connection and exercises that help with delivery and postpartum recovery.
-Breath work that helps with labor/delivery.
-Understanding poses/exercises that are contraindicated during pregnancy and the associated modifications.


Postpartum/Baby and Me Yoga

So often when our baby is born all the attention and care goes to this new precious life, and as a result we often forget or neglect our own care and recovery. Janice offers a gentle, low-impact postpartum recovery/baby focused yoga practice that includes:

-Traditional yoga poses modified for postpartum recovery and baby incorporation.
-Focus on relieving lower back pain, tight neck/shoulders, hip/pelvis discomfort that comes with caring for a newborn/baby.
-Breath work for calmness and stress reduction.
-Pelvic floor work that helps with incontinence.
-Diastisis (ab separation) friendly core exercises.
-Baby yoga exercises that aid in development and bonding.